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... someone not simply looking for
"another one of those."

You may be the CFO of an ambitious and visionary company looking for someone who can introduce a way of forecasting that takes less time than traditional methods, performs better, and generates excitement rather than negativity in your organization.


Perhaps you lead a business development unit and seek a creative and analytical sparring partner with an exceptional grasp of corporate strategy.


Perhaps you head a data science unit and are looking for not only a top data scientist but someone who effortlessly bridges data processing with business understanding to bring decisive insight to senior management.


You may be a fund manager looking for a curious equity analyst who, by nature, sees the world differently than most, finding relevant patterns before the crowd.


Or, perhaps you are an aspiring entrepreneour looking for a co-founder. Money isn't everything, and I am highly motivated by the pursuit of great ideas and sense of purpose.


But whoever you are, you are not simply looking for "another one of those". You are seeking an imaginative, free-thinker, who can generate poweful ideas, to solve difficult problems in critical situations. That's who I am.

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